Analyzing the Effective Dimensions of Emerging Technologies on the Accounting Profession: A Meta-synthesis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof., Department of Accounting, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.

2 MSc., Department of Accounting, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.



In recent years, the rapid advancement of technology has significantly reduced information distortions and eased restrictions on accessing information. Accounting is one of the fields most influenced by these changes. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing, have improved data quality and increased the speed of access to information. Therefore, identifying these technologies and evaluating their efficiency has become essential for survival in the current information age. This research aims to identify the effective dimensions of these new technologies on the accounting profession to enhance its capabilities and increase efficiency in real-time decision-making.
This research is qualitative, applied in its objectives, descriptive in methodology, and employs a survey approach. By adopting a systematic approach and considering the study's exploratory nature, this research aims to identify and analyze the significant effects of new technologies on the accounting profession. It also highlights the necessity of systematically and methodically analyzing the effective dimensions of these technologies and integrating the findings of previous studies that have addressed this subject. The qualitative meta-synthesis method of Sandelowski and Barroso, consisting of seven stages, was utilized to achieve this objective. The sample included 40 articles selected from the research period spanning March 2019 to October 2020. After extracting the effective dimensions of these new technologies using the meta-synthesis method, the impact coefficient of each dimension was determined through the Shannon Entropy method based on a content analysis approach. Finally, the categorized components were ranked using the SWARA method.
The findings of this study indicate that the effective dimensions of new technologies on the accounting profession are categorized into 64 components across 12 categories. After processing the data using the meta-synthesis analysis and Shannon Entropy, it was determined that factors such as increased accuracy, improved comprehensiveness and precision of reporting, reduction of redundancy, and accurate data analysis are of greater importance among the identified components. Conversely, environmental impacts, including air pollution, reduced energy consumption, and decreased greenhouse gas emissions, are of the least importance. Based on the SWARA method, time and cost management ranked highest among the categories.
According to the research findings, emerging technologies have significantly increased the efficiency and improved the quality of accounting processes. These technologies have transformed accountants from data entry operators into analysts and, by simplifying tasks, have led to greater employee productivity. Furthermore, by providing immutable, secure, and reliable data, they help reduce fraud and manipulation while improving the quality of financial reporting. This, in turn, enhances management’s perspective and supports more informed decision-making. This research offers a fresh perspective enabling accountants and organizational managers to take more strategic and informed steps toward the development and sustainability of their organizations.


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